2nd International Conference
Psychology and Interdisciplinary
Behavioral Studies (2nd ICP-IBS)
Virtual Conference
November 12-13, 2024
Virtual Conference
November 12-13, 2024
Theme: “With ICT, Is Psychology Still Growing?”
The Faculty of Psychology Universitas Pancasila and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) proudly invite all scholars, students, researchers, and lecturers to participate in the 2nd International Conference on Psychology and Interdisciplinary Behavioral Studies (2nd ICP-IBS).
The virtual conference will be held on October 8-9, 2024 with the theme “With ICT, Is Psychology Still Growing?”.
We invite all researchers, lecturers, students, practitioners and academicians to gather in this conference to exchange and share their thought and finding in various spectrums in the field of Psychology, Behavioural Studies, Digital Transformation, and more related to the topic.
This conference not only give you global forum to share and exchange idea, research, and work. But also, provide wider network and research ecosystem for further collaboration and projects. We are glad to share this good opportunities in the scientific community, that will be offered ONLY for all participants who participate/ attend the conference.
Conference Paper Submission Deadline :
October 12, 2024
Payment Confirmation Deadline :
October 30, 2024
Conference Day :
November 12-13, 2024
Extended Full Paper Revision Deadline :
November 27, 2024
Conference Chair
Dr. Ayu Dwi Nindyati, M.Si., Psi.
Universitas Pancasila
Co-Conference Chair
Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
Research Synergy Foundation
Organizing Committee
Aully Grashinta, M.Si., Psikolog.
Universitas Pancasila
Farida Aini, M.Psi. Psikolog.
Universitas Pancasila
Astri Aulia Andini Dewi, A.Md.
Universitas Pancasila
Furi Anjani, SH.
Universitas Pancasila
Unzila Safira Maharani, S.Psi.
Universitas Pancasila
Thalula Aulia Almanda, S.Psi.
Universitas Pancasila
Nafida Qulbi Utami, S.Psi.
Universitas Pancasila
Aliarachma Nurul Wardhiani, SE.
Universitas Pancasila
Aisyah, M.Si.
Universitas Pancasila
Anindya Dewi Paramita, M.Psi Psikolog.
Universitas Pancasila
Evanytha, M.Si., Psikolog.
Universitas Pancasila
Eka Septilla AM, M.Psi., Psikolog.
Universitas Pancasila
Andri Setia Dharma, M.Psi., Psikolog.
Universitas Pancasila
Dina Estina, S.Pd.
Universitas Pancasila
Moerdiono Ramadhana R, M.Si.
Universitas Pancasila
Taufik Hidayat, S.I.Kom.
Universitas Pancasila
Adratusya Tsar Magfireno, S.I.Kom.
Universitas Pancasila
Erwan Gustiawan, S.Kom.
Universitas Pancasila
Jamalludin Hayat, S.Psi.
Universitas Pancasila
Muhammad Rizky Pratama, A.Md.
Universitas Pancasila
Fakhri Mardian Pratama, S.Si.
Universitas Pancasila
Hilman Taufik Saprudin, S.M.
Universitas Pancasila
Luthfiyatul Badriyah, S.Psi.
Universitas Pancasila
Manggar Deardini, SH.
Universitas Pancasila
Taufik Hidayat
Universitas Pancasila
Ni Made Rai Kistyanti, M.Psi., Psikolog.
Universitas Pancasila
Dr. Seta A. Wicaksana, M.Psi., Psikolog.
Universitas Pancasila
Andi Tenri Faradiba, M.Si.
Universitas Pancasila
Auliannisa Nastiti Ayuningtyas, S.Psi.
Universitas Pancasila
Gilang Yudha Wijaya, S.Psi.
Universitas Pancasila
Dr. Ayu Dwi Nindyati – Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia
Dr. Jo-Ting Wei – Providence University, Taiwan
Dr. Wati Susiawati, MA – State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Indonesia
Dr. Ade Iva Murty – Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia
Prof. Chia-Pin Kao – Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan
Dr. Miftakhul Jannah – Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Dr. Rafidah Binti Abd Karim – Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak Branch Tapah Campus, Malaysia
Dr. Afrina Sari – Universitas Budi Luhur Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr. Sattambiralalage Vindya Nimanthi Perera
Dr. Iryna Havryliuk – Eastern European National University, Ukraine
Dr.Yuliana,S.Ked,M.Biomed- Udayana University, Indonesia
Dr. Nithya N – Sona college of Technology, India
Dr. Alam Zeb Khattak – Kohat University of Science & Technology Kohat, Pakistan
The Faculty of Psychology Universitas Pancasila, Research Synergy Foundation, and Research Synergy Institute have successfully organized the Pre-Conference Workshop for the The 2nd International Conference on Psychology and Interdisciplinary Behavioral Studies(2nd ICP-IBS). The workshop was held on August 15, 2024, and aimed to encourage the participants to prepare and write globally accepted research papers to be submitted on the upcoming 2nd ICP-IBS that will be held on 8-9 October, 2024.
The workshop was opened by a welcome remarks by Dr. Ayu Dwi Nindyati, M.Si., Psi. as the Conference Chair of 2nd ICP-IBS, and followed by a welcome remarks from Prof. Dr. Awaluddin Tjalla, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Pancasila. Dr. Ayu Dwi Nindyati, M.Si., Psi. emphasized how important this workshop for those who want to participate to the upcoming 2nd IPC-IBS, and Dr. Awaluddin Tjalla, M.Pd welcomed all the participants and gave a brief information about the upcoming 2nd ICP-IBS.
Then, it was time for the first session of the workshop with the topic of 2nd ICP-IBS Introduction and Scientific Review Process. The topic was delivered by Mrs. Santi Rahmawati, MSM. She is the Founder & Director Global Network Research Synergy Foundation Gateway Advisor F1000Research (Scopus Q1).
The second session of the workshop was about How to Be Globally Accepted in Writing Research Paper: Criteria of Recommendation in Scopus/Peer Review International Journal which was delivered by Ms. Widyoretno Adiani, S.Si, MSM. Ms. Widyoretno Adiani is the Managing Director of Research Synergy Press.
Next, is the third session which was presented by Mrs. Santi Rahmawati, MSM. She is the Founder & Director Global Network Research Synergy Foundation Gateway Advisor F1000Research (Scopus Q1). On this session, the topic was about How to Prepare and Submit Conference Paper and Journal Papers: A Submission Guideline on https://www.researchsynergysystem.com/.
Last but not least, the fourth session of the workshop was the information on How to Address Language Barrier in Conference Proceeding/Journal Publication which was delivered by Ms. WIdyoretno Adiani, S.Si, MSM. Ms. Widyoretno Adiani is the Managing Director of Research Synergy Press.
After all the session was done, it was time for a Q&A session. There were several questions from the participants relating to the materials and topics that have been presented. The conference was then concluded by a Closing Remarks from Vice Dean I of Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Pancasila, Mrs. Aully Grashinta, M.Si., Psikolog.
The Pre-Conference Workshop in the road to the 2nd International Conference on Psychology and Interdisciplinary Behavioral Studies(2nd ICP-IBS) was a success. Hopefully, this workshop can encourage those who are interested in submitting their research work to the 2nd ICP-IBS conference.
If you are looking for an international conference that can channel your research to reputable outputs, you are welcome to join us at 2nd ICP-IBS by registering at https://www.researchsynergysystem.com/ and sign up to start your journey with Research Synergy Foundation!
For more details of the step-by-step procedure for abstract submission, please visit https://icpibs.com or send queries to the committee email info@icpibs.com or contact us through Whatsapp on number +62811227479 / +628112331733
The Faculty of Psychology Universitas Pancasila and Research Synergy Foundations has successfully held a Pre-Conference Workshop with a theme of “Ehancing Performance In Organizations With People Analytics and Generative AI”. It was held on August 22 at Ruang Aula Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Pancasila.
The workshop welcomed all participants coming from the students of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Pancasila, members of APIO HMPSI, lecturer, practitioner, and all audiences in general. The workshop aimed to enrich the participants with the knowledge of how to enhance the performance of an organization by using applications and generative Artificial Intelligence.
This workshop is one of the pre-conference series on the road to the 2nd International Conference on Psychology and Interdisciplinary Behavioral Studies (2nd ICP-IBS) that will be held hybrid in Jakarta and virtually on 8-9 October, 2024.
See you on 2nd ICP-IBS!
Inha University, Rep. of Korea
Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia
Massey University, New Zealand
CONNECT and ENGAGE with >200.000 SCHOLARS in Asia and Australia and still growing UP.
SELECTED papers will be published in international journal indexed by SCOPUS, WOS, Google Scholar, etc.
All participants can EASILY register, access, and SEE submission PROGRESS in one screen. Built to ZERO MISTAKE of conference detail.
Note for publication: Please check with any plagiarism detection software and make sure to have only at most a 20% similarity score. Any paper with more than 20% similarity score will not be considered in the publication database unless specified in the proof of similarity score.
This conference offers publication as follows:
All accepted CONFERENCE PAPER will be published in the 2nd ICP-IBS Conference Paper Proceeding by Research Synergy Press (http://proceeding.researchsynergypress.com/) with ISSN, DOI number – each article, and indexed in Google Scholar,”. *Noted that conference paper submission is 2.000 – 3.500 words in total (please see the template and submission guideline section).
*Optional and eligible EXTENDED Paper will be recommended to publish in the international journal indexed by SCOPUS/WOS/Google Scholar, etc. The indexation decision depends on the paper’s quality, scope, and content review. The manuscript should contain 5.000 – 7.000 words in total. In addition, the author is required to revise approximately 80% of submitted/published conference papers to avoid self-plagiarism.
Affiliated International Journals for Extended Full Paper:
Peer-Reviewed Indexed International Journals by Research Synergy Press >> https://journals.researchsynergypress.com >> https://journals.researchsynergypress.com/
All publications process conducted ethically based on RSF code of conduct and publications ethic guideline (Based on COPE). Please see in the website of RSF or Website of conferences to download the Ethic Guideline. All parties (Author, editor, conference chair, Scientific review committee) should follow the ethic guide.
RSF publications put forwards sustainability relationship between RSF-Author and RSF-Editor. Furthermore, RSF always hold trusted publications partner with reputable indexing.
RSF clearly announce the detail of publications process, timeline and information about the journal or publisher directly through email/ website or conference event. All the information of journal will be announce to all author/ participants after they passed the1st review stage (consist of plagiarism check and aligning aims and scope) through email. All author/ participants have the right to follow the recommendations of the RSF publications or not. If they agree with the recommendations, RSF publications will send the consent letter to all authors/ participants to proceed the next stage.
RSF publications trying to encourage all authors/ participants to follow all scientific process conducted by RSF publication and journals. RSF Publications apply some period of revision and reminder to all authors/ participants. RSF Publications collaboration with Research Synergy Institute facilitate scientific writing workshop all over universities in ASIA and other country to empower and enhance the scholars capacity and productivity.
All the conference paper of article submitted to conference website and reviewed by Research Synergy Scientific review committee through Reviewer Track platform.
* Conference double blind peer review (abstract/full paper)
All the conference paper of article submitted to conference website and reviewed by Research Synergy Scientific review committee through Reviewer Track platform.
* Plagiarism check (<20%)
* Contents review (aims & scope)
* Language review (cohesion, grammar, vocabulary)
All manuscript which perform on those criteria will be recommended to Research Synergy journal affiliations (Author should follow journal’s submission).
* Journal recommendation in each article
The review process will take approximately 7 to 10 working days.
You will receive the article decision (accepted/ accepted with revision/ rejected) from the official email of the conference committee right after the review process is completed. Please check your email at the inbox/ spam folder.
No. Sometimes our announcement goes to your SPAM folder due to email restriction. If you already submitted your article and passed 14 working days, please check the email (inbox and spam folder) and your Research Synergy System account to check the progress. You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Research Synergy System account. Please find and click the “Continue the Submission Process” button for the conference you follow. Every step or status of your submission will be displayed there.
You need to login to your Research Synergy System account (https://www.researchsynergysystem.com/login) to continue the registration process.
Yes, you have. There is no need to pay anything before you receive the notification of acceptance of your article/ LOA. Please be noticed; if we do not receive your payment confirmation at the latest deadline (maximum 20 days before the conference date), then we will exclude your participation in the conference. Moreover, you can NOT upload your full paper for journal publication if the payment has not yet been made.
You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Research Synergy System account. Please find the documents by clicking the “Continue the Submission Process” for each of the conferences you follow. You can download the documents under the menu of “4. Acceptance” and “5. Payment”.
No, it doesn’t. The registration fee is non-refundable, and it includes charges for conference participation only. Please refer to the conference website in page/ menu “Registration Page” to see the complete information, and it’s facilities.
The publication timeline already stated on the conference website at the homepage section. Moreover, it depends on the journal publication schedule and the scientific process. But the author no need to worry because you can check your publication status by login to your Research Synergy System account.
The quality of your article takes a vital role to be published in Scopus Journal. There will be a rigorous scientific review process to decide the journal recommendation that suits your article/ paper.
You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Research Synergy System account . Please find Research Synergy System account Dashboard. Your current stage or status of registration will be displayed there.
No. Sometimes our announcement goes to your SPAM folder due to email restriction. If you already submitted your manuscript and passed 7 working days, please check the email (inbox and spam folder) and your Research Synergy System account to check the progress. You can download your plagiarism check result by login to your Research Synergy System account, go into the conference you follow, and then under the menu of “2. Plagiarism Result” click “Get Plagiarism Result”.
2nd ICP-IBS | Research Synergy Foundation
+62 811-227-479
+62 812-331-733
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