
2nd International Conference on
Psychology and Interdisciplinary
Behavioral Studies (2nd ICP-IBS)

ASTON Priority Simatupang Hotel & Conference Center, Jakarta, Indonesia

Hybrid Conference
October 8-9, 2024

Theme: “With ICT, Is Psychology Still Growing?”

Virtual Conferences Session on 2024

We are very much aware that one of the objectives of worldwide researcher’s is to gain and share knowledge. Some academic institution still prompts the needs for conferences to be implemented since it is our responsibility to disseminate our research. As one of our responsibility toward the continuity of the conference programs, we offer to hold the programs in different platform. Worry not, through ethical virtual conferences, we made sure that the programs will be conducted as planned. You will gain equal benefit as follows:

  • Pre conference procedures
  • Easiness in submitting the manuscript
  • Transparent and objective procedure (Participant will receive information regarding the plagiarism check and content check result)
  • Ethical and scientific process of double-blind review (Participant will receive result of their review process)
  • Virtual Conference
  • Lower conference fee
  • Vibrant conference through more than just standard QnA session
  • Post Conference
  • Selected papers will be recommended to be included in the process for journal acceptance
  • Selected participant will be invited for several projects (such as joint paper writing, keynote speaker, workshop coach, etc)
  • All members of RSF will be invited to be our reviewer and scientific committee member
 Gain more and share more with Research Synergy Foundation.



Keynote Speakers

Prof. Kim Uichol

Inha University, Rep. of Korea

Prof. Lai Yin Ling

INTI International University & Colleges, Malaysia

Prof. Stuart Carr

Massey University, New Zealand

Dr. Silverius Y. Soeharso, SE., M.M., M.Psi, Psikolog

Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia

Opening and Welcoming Speech

Prof. Dr. Ir. Marsuadi Wahyu Kisworo, IPU

Rector of Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Awaluddin Tjalla, M.Pd.

Dean at Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia



CONNECT and ENGAGE with >200.000 SCHOLARS in Asia and Australia and still growing UP.​


SELECTED papers will be published in international journal indexed by SCOPUS, WOS, Google Scholar, etc.




All participants can EASILY register, access, and SEE submission PROGRESS in one screen. Built to ZERO MISTAKE of conference detail.​



  • All the conference submission process will ONLY be done through “Scholarvein (Research Synergy System)” Integrated and Easy Conference Management Operating System (CMOS).
  • All the conference submission process will ONLY be done through https://www.researchsynergysystem.com/
  • Kindly visit http://www.icpibs.com/ for detailed information.
  • All PAPERS will get international exposure and scientific feedback from scholars around the globe during the conference.
  • All interested parties are welcome to participate in this conference.
  • Moreover, SCIENTIFIC OPPORTUNITY and PROJECT will be offered ONLY for participants who joins in the conference.


  1. SIGN IN at https://www.researchsynergysystem.com/login using a G-mail or email account.
  2. Choose ROLE as PARTICIPANT.
  3. Fill in all personal data required (*)
  4. Add “+ NEW CONFERENCE”, Choose 2nd ICP-IBS
  5. Continue and Follow the Submission Process in the system until the “SUBMIT” button.
  6. Monitor your registration status and progress by signing in to your account.
  7. You will get an announcement by email regarding your paper status. You can directly download the letter of acceptance (LOA), invoice, and content review through your account.
  8. Make the payment (only after the announcement of abstract acceptance – LOA received) and upload the payment proof through our online system (NOT email).
  9. Upload your Full paper (after the system confirms payment).
  10. Create your presentation, then upload it to the system.
  11. Go to the conference as per schedule.

Note for publication: Please check with any plagiarism detection software and make sure to have only at most a 20% similarity score. Any paper with more than 20% similarity score will not be considered in the publication database unless specified in the proof of similarity score.


  • Manuscript should be contains minimum 2.000 words and should not exceed 3500 words including embedded figures and tables, contain no appendix, and the file should be in Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx)  format.
  • Paper should be in prepared in A4 paper (21cm x 29.7cm) using 2.5 cm for inside margin and 2 cm for top, bottom, and outside margin. No need to alter page number in this template as the page number will be reordered at pre-printing process.
  • The title, abstract and main text should be in one column. Title should be less than 15 words, title case, small caps, centered, bold, font type Times New Roman (TNR), font size 16, and single spaced.
  • The main text of the writing should be in one columns with 1 cm column spacing, justified, 12 TNR, first line indent 5 mm, and 1.5 spaced.
  • The manuscript should begin with title, abstract, and keyword and the main text should consist of: Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Finding and Discussion, Conclusion and Further Research; followed by References.
  • Manuscript should be contains minimum 5.000 words and should not exceed 7.000 words including embedded figures and tables, contain no appendix, and the file should be in Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx) format.
  • Paper should be in prepared in A4 paper (21cm x 29.7cm) using 2.5 cm for inside margin and 2 cm for top, bottom, and outside margin. No need to alter page number in this template as the page number will be reordered at pre-printing process.
  • The title, abstract and main text should be in one column. Title should be less than 15 words, title case, small caps, centered, bold, font type Times New Roman (TNR), font size 16, and single spaced.
  • The main text of the writing should be in one columns with 1 cm column spacing, justified, 12 TNR, first line indent 5 mm, and 1.5 spaced.
  • The manuscript should begin with title, abstract, and keyword and the main text should consist of: Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Finding and Discussion, Conclusion and Further Research; followed by References.


  • This conference offers publication as follows:

    • All accepted CONFERENCE PAPER will be published in the 2nd ICP-IBS Conference Paper Proceeding by Research Synergy Press (http://proceeding.researchsynergypress.com/) with ISSN, DOI number – each article, and indexed in Google Scholar,”. *Noted that conference paper submission is 2.000 – 3.500 words in total (please see the template and submission guideline section).

    • *Optional and eligible EXTENDED Paper will be recommended to publish in the international journal indexed by SCOPUS/WOS/Google Scholar, etc. The indexation decision depends on the paper’s quality, scope, and content review. The manuscript should contain 5.000 – 7.000 words in total. In addition, the author is required to revise approximately 80% of submitted/published conference papers to avoid self-plagiarism.

    Affiliated International Journals for Extended Full Paper:

Peer-Reviewed Indexed International Journals by Research Synergy Press >> https://journals.researchsynergypress.com >> https://journals.researchsynergypress.com/ 

    • International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH) 
    • International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Studies (IJEASS)
    • Journal of Social Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (JSETP)
    • International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Creative Economy (IJEBCE)
    • Applied Quantitative Analysis (AQA)
    • Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies (ISSUES)
    • Organization and Human Capital Development (ORCADEV)
    • Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability (JGRCS)
    • International Journal of Marketing and Digital Creative (IJMADIC)
    • Advanced Qualitative Research (AQR)
    • People and Behavior Analysis (PBA)
    • Humanities, Society, and Community (HSC)
    • Education Policy and Development (EPD)



All publications process conducted ethically based on RSF code of conduct and publications ethic guideline (Based on COPE). Please see in the website of RSF or Website of conferences to download the Ethic Guideline. All parties (Author, editor, conference chair, Scientific review committee) should follow the ethic guide.


RSF publications put forwards sustainability relationship between RSF-Author and RSF-Editor. Furthermore, RSF always hold trusted publications partner with reputable indexing.


RSF clearly announce the detail of publications process, timeline and information about the journal or publisher directly through email/ website or conference event. All the information of journal will be announce to all author/ participants after they passed the1st review stage (consist of plagiarism check and aligning aims and scope) through email. All author/ participants have the right to follow the recommendations of the RSF publications or not. If they agree with the recommendations, RSF publications will send the consent letter to all authors/ participants to proceed the next stage.


RSF publications trying to encourage all authors/ participants to follow all scientific process conducted by RSF publication and journals. RSF Publications apply some period of revision and reminder to all authors/ participants. RSF Publications collaboration with Research Synergy Institute facilitate scientific writing workshop all over universities in ASIA and other country to empower and enhance the scholars capacity and productivity.





All the conference paper of article submitted to conference website and reviewed by Research Synergy Scientific review committee through Reviewer Track platform.

* Conference double blind peer review (abstract/full paper)


All the conference paper of article submitted to conference website and reviewed by Research Synergy Scientific review committee through Reviewer Track platform.

* Plagiarism check (<20%)
* Contents review (aims & scope)
* Language review (cohesion, grammar, vocabulary)


All manuscript which perform on those criteria will be recommended to Research Synergy journal affiliations (Author should follow journal’s submission).

* Journal recommendation in each article

2nd ICP-IBS | Research Synergy Foundation


+62 811-227-479

+62 812-331-733

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